
50/50 Raffle March 2022
The Pot reached $1,960.00
Congratulations To The Winner: Jolene Zeghers

Spring Season Changes 2022
We are actively working to revise our Spring offerings. Stay tuned, we are not done yet!

John Martens (Oct. 15, 1935 - Feb. 4, 2022)
Dr. Martens was the artistic director of The Winnipeg Singers from 1983 - 1993. He was a consummate musician, mentor, teacher and friend.

50/50 Raffle (2021)
The Jackpot reached $3,455.00.
Congratulations to Monica Hultin for winning the prize of $1,727.50.

The Making Of "From Our Homes To Yours"
Watch the trailer and mark your calendars for the Premiere Showing on Sun, Mar 14, 2021, 2:00 pm at

A Year of, “Planning, planning and cancelling”
Classic 107’s Simeon Rusnak interviews Yuri Klaz.
When asked about how he chose the music to be performed, Klaz remarked that this was “probably the biggest challenge.” In narrowing down the process he “looked through many programs and tossed many titles around [his] brain” before settling on two pieces.

Virtual Video Launch
The half-hour Presentation Features The Premiere of 2 Works:
Sid Robinovitch - The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Ola Gjeilo - The Rose

WSO Tribute to Manitoba 150
This special video features members of the orchestra in different landmark Manitoba locations along with the voices of Manitoba artists (including The Winnipeg Singers) in a virtual recording of the song ‘One Voice’, written by Manitoba singer/songwriter Ruth Moody of The Wailin’ Jennys and performed around the world as an anthem of unity and harmony.

Manson, Winnipeg Singers, Gauvin
The Winnipeg Singers will perform with the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra and Karina Gauvin: Queen of Baroque Opera. Lyric soprano Karina Gauvin is among the greatest singers of Baroque in the world. This is a must-attend MCO Concert: Wednesday, Dec 4, 2019, 7:30pm at Westminster United Church

Winnipeg Singers Win "Grand Prix" Award At Barcelona Festival
The Winnipeg Singers won in all three categories in which they competed at the international competition of choirs, “GOLDEN VOICES OF BARCELONA” in Lloret de Mar, Spain held from July 7-10, 2019. They also received the “Grand Prix” award for the most outstanding choir in the festival. The final concert was held on an open air stage overlooking the Mediterranean in Lloret de Mar. The Singers were then privileged perform at the gala final concert held in the heart of Barcelona in the famous Basílica de la Sagrada Famillia, designed by Antoni Gaudi. Competing choirs came from Ukraine, China, Russia and Taiwan.

Wine Tasting Party / Fundraiser
This year’s wine tasting party will be presented by sommelier Flavia Fernandez Fabio and will feature duets by Jeremy Buzash (violin) and Elise Lavallée (viola), jazz vocalist Jodie Borlé with Rick Boughton (piano), and The Winnipeg Singers. Our new outdoor patio location is the perfect setting for socializing with lovers of choral music. Thursday, June 20, 2019, 7:30pm at 129 Spence Street (south of Broadway).

DIDGORI - Master Performers Of Georgian Vocal Polyphony
The Winnipeg Singers present Didgori, master performers of Georgian vocal polyphony, a three-part musical tradition marked by immense physical energy, thrilling harmonic progressions, complex improvised counterpoint that would boggle the mind of any jazz pianist, unexpectedly dissonant chords and intonation, jaw-dropping yodelling, intricate melismatic ornamentation, and resounding vocal power that has to be experienced to be believed. Igor Stravinsky reportedly said that "Georgian polyphony is more important than all the discoveries of new music," and UNESCO recognized it as a Masterpiece of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2001.

Tonight's the Night – The Winnipeg Singers present Ola Gjeilo and his music
CONCERT: Northern Lights: The Music of Ola Gjeilo • TONIGHT: Saturday, May 11, 2019, 7:30 pm at Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Winnipeg Singers to perform with WSO in Europe
At the end of the 2019-20 season, the Singers will accompany the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra on their tour to the Netherlands and Belgium to commemorate the 75th year of the liberation of these countries at the end of the Second World War.

Winnipeg Singers Perform At The Winnipeg New Music Festival
Sat Jan 30, 2019 at 7:30pm, Centennial Concert Hall
The WSO’s new Music Director Daniel Raiskin takes the podium in his first full WNMF program, giving Winnipeg a taste of his wide-ranging musical vision. A noted advocate of contemporary music, Maestro Raiskin is joined by his long-time collaborator, Latvian composer Pēteris Vasks, who serves as this year’s WNMF Distinguished Guest Composer.

Swan Lake Reserve Concert
On Friday, October 26, 2018 The Winnipeg Singers boarded a bus and proceeded to the Swan Lake Reserve to perform selections from their fist concert of the 2018/19 season, Indigenous Mosaics. Joining the choir were Cory Campbell (traditional singer), Mike Thompson (didgeridoo), and Elise Lavalee (viola).

Wine Tasting Fundraiser 2018 A Great Success
Enjoying wine, appetizers and music while raising money for our 2019 tour. Thanks to a full house of supporters and donors.

Wine Tasting Fundraiser (2017) A Great Success
Enjoying wine, appetizers, camaraderie and music while raising money for our 2019 tour.